Marketing Recruitment Agencies in Maidstone

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Maidstone in the Marketing industry.
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KHR Recruitment Specialists

KHR Recruitment Specialists is a multi-sector firm covering IT, Finance, Customer Service, Legal, Engineering, Sales, FMCG and more. With offices in West Malling and Linton, and a team with over 150 years of combined experience, their track record includes assisting over 180,000 applicants. Launched in 1998, they are also members of the REC and hold a Gangsters & Labour Abuse Authority licence.

1 Hill Farm Business Estate, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4AL
Plus 1 additional office location


Huntress is a recruitment agency for professional assignments focusing on Office Support, Accounting & Finance, IT, Customer Services, Marketing and HR. Since their establishment in 2000, they have helped, on average, more than 10,000 applicants in their employment to over 1,500 companies every year. Their main office is in London and they have teams in 11 other locations.

Maidstone Innovation Centre, Gidds Pond Way, Weavering, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1DN
Plus 2 additional office locations

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