Administration Recruitment Agencies Directory

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Most Popular Administration Job Roles

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More information

The Administration sector is responsible for the everyday management of a business and will commonly involve tasks such as data entry, dealing with phone queries, managing schedules and creating reports. Traditionally, employees would be office-based and work a standard 40-hour week, but there has been an increase in the number of remote and part time opportunities.

Salaries will vary, but junior staff will usually start on earnings from £16,000. Admin professionals in the Legal and Finance industries tend to command the highest salaries, while large London or North West companies are also considered to offer the best financial rewards.

There aren't many barriers to entry for a career in Administration, but courses are available to make candidates more competitive. Diplomas and degrees in areas such as business studies, management studies and government administration may also be beneficial. Due to the nature of the role, candidates will need organisation and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to use computer software such as Word, Excel and Outlook.

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