Electronics Recruitment Agencies in Essex

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Essex in the Electronics industry.
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LinkPoint Resources Limited

LinkPoint has a network of consultant technical specialists working within the electronics industry. We embrace new developments in technology as well as making use of our traditional database to source the candidates with the technical skills needed to give your company the edge. We recruit across the sector in areas such as Electronic Engineering, Service Installation and Hardware Design.

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Covers: UK Nationwide | Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary | Salaries £15k - £100k+

49 Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex, RM17 5RZ
Plus 6 additional office locations

Additional Resources

Additional Resources recruits for a vast range of industries including Hospitality, Finance, Construction, Design, Education, Sport, Energy, and a whole lot more. The numerous roles they handle include HGV Drivers, Gas Engineer, Head Chef, Vehicle Technician, Assessor, Early Years Practitioner, Client Account Executive, and so on. They cover both permanent and temporary requirements for clients in the UK, and other countries such as Canada.

Park Wood Technical Center, Park Wood, Doddinghurst Road, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 0SN

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