

5 signs it’s time to leave your job

5 signs it’s time to leave your job

Nobody ever said that life would be one big party, but they also failed to mention how quickly  aspiration and youthful exuberance could be traded in for stability, drudgery and a regular pay cheque.

With the state pension age set to rise between now and 2020, the working population in the UK won’t be able to enjoy retirement until their mid-sixties, with those yet to enter the labour market expected to remain in employment for half a century. Now while you may be inclined to spend these years in a position of security and financial contentment, your current job could actually be holding you back from a life of meaningful weekdays and a career full of prospects and fulfillment.

So whether you’ve been clock watching for decades or you’re merely a few years into your work sentence, perhaps these signs are an indication that it’s time to leave your job.

You dread waking up in the morning

Not all of us are resistant to the gravitational pull of a duck down duvet, but there’s a difference between not being a morning person and hoping you wake up to the news of an office fire. Having such dread about going into work will inevitably spill over into your home life with the impending setting of the alarm taking the enjoyment out of your personal time. This can soon turn into stress, irritability and even give rise to mental health problems.

There’s no development

Although you might be comfortable in the relative safety of your job, anyone would start to get an itch if there’s no prospect for development or growth. A dead end position can eventually leave you short on skills and value, as well as having a negative impact on your motivation and drive. A sense of purpose and meaning is important in any job and once this has been taken away, standards and enthusiasm will naturally suffer.

Your boss is the problem

While we may all dream of an understanding, charismatic and supportive boss, chances are that most of us get landed with more an Ebenezer Scrooge than a Captain Kirk. If you find that your boss is difficult to work for then chances are you’re not going to enjoy your job, with the ill feeling towards the top of the ladder ultimately filtering down to the rest of the organisation. Unfortunately some bosses out there will be demeaning, patronising, unprofessional and just simply rude and if this is the case for you, it’s definitely time to move on to bigger and better things.

It’s just the money on your mind

For most people, money is the main incentive for a life of work but believe it or not there are other reasons why people want to do a job. Whether it be for passion, fulfillment or the need to leave a mark on this bouncing ball of green and powder blue, money isn’t necessarily everything. If your job doesn’t tick any of these boxes and you’re more interested in your bank balance than your personal ambitions, then just maybe this isn’t the job for you.

You’re only sticking around through fear of the unknown

No one’s undervaluing the importance of feeling comfortable at work, but there’s a fine line between feeling comfortable and feeling too settled to leave. The fear of the unknown can prevent people from taking new and exciting opportunities, with the safety net of familiar faces and rehearsed routine often proving to be too much of an anchor. Furthering your career doesn’t come without at least some sacrifice and if daydreaming of a new start swiftly turns into butterflies, then you’re mind is already made up.
You’re a long time working and counting down to retirement seems like a waste of what could ultimately be 50 years of your life. The fact that you’re reading through articles on whether or not you to quit your job, is a strong indication that all isn’t well and that a change should be on the horizon. Leaving a job is always daunting, but doing so could just be the kick you need to get your career back on track.