Accounting & Finance Recruitment Agencies in Rugby

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Rugby in the Accounting & Finance industry.
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Staffbase Recruitment is able to provide you with quick and effective introductions of the best accountancy and finance personnel for your organisation. Whether you are hiring Book Keepers or Ledger Clerks to Financial Controllers, Finance Directors, Management Accountants or Financial Accountants then we can recruit for you.

  • Covers: Midlands
  • Contract, Permanent
  • Salaries from £25k - £100k+

Lumonics House, Valley Drive, Swift Valley Ind Est, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1TQ

The Caraires Recruitment Consultancy

The Caraires Recruitment Consultancy assigns candidates to a broad range of industries across the UK, including Administration, Customer Service, Engineering, Finance, HR, IT, Legal, Marketing, Sales, and Transport & Logistics. They hire for permanent and temporary roles at all levels. For over 15 years, they have been aiding clients in filling various vacancies, such as General Operative, Quality Assurance Assessor, and Sales Executive.

22-24 Lawford Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2DY