Construction Recruitment Agencies in Basildon

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Basildon in the Construction industry.
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A1 Personnel

Established in 1988, A1 Personnel recruits across Essex, Kent, and London for the following industries: Engineering, Construction, Office & Management, Manufacturing, Warehouse & Logistics, and Driving. Based in Essex. They have worked with over 100 companies in the UK.

Great Oaks (Corner of North Gunnels), Basildon, Essex, SS14 1HZ

Recstar group

recstar group fills Sales and Recruitment vacancies in London and the Home Counties. They cover placements of all levels from graduate and trainee up to manager and director. For Recruitment, they have job openings across Banking, Education, the Public Sector and more. Based in Basildon, they also offer an aftercare service to applicants, where they provide support throughout their probationary periods. They were incorporated in 2016.

4 Capricorn Centre, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3JJ