Construction Recruitment Agencies in Bury

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Bury in the Construction industry.
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Bury Recruitment

Bury Recruitment supplies part-time and full-time staff to a broad range of sectors nationwide. Founded in 2014, they have provided staffing solutions to industries such as Accounting, Administrative, Banking, Call Center, Construction, Customer Service, Engineering, Human Resources, I.T., Manufacturing, Maintenance Tech, Office Support, Oil & Gas, Power & Energy, Retail, and Warehouse & Distribution.

Manchester Rd, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 0DF

Recruitment Solutions

Recruitment Solutions is based in Didcot and supplies permanent and temporary staff to a wide range of industries. The company was founded in 2008 and recruits for the Construction, Driving, Industrial, Retail, Commercial and Warehouse/Distribution sectors. The agency offers its services to the whole of the UK.

9-11 Market Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 5BN

The Orchard Centre, 18-20 Station Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 7LL