Construction Recruitment Agencies in Chorley

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Chorley in the Construction industry.
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MMA Construction Plant

MMA Construction & Plant Ltd is a recruitment provider of Plant Operators across the UK. Founded in 2004, they are an accredited member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, with a network of offices based in Adlington and Lancashire. They offer its expertise to a diverse range of clients, including mining and large quarry projects, Channel Tunnel Rail Link, and FA headquarters.

Clayton House, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 4HE

Sharples Davies

A national provider of staffing services, Sharples Davies delivers Management, Marketing, and Sales personnel to a broad range of disciplines in the Building Products industry. These include Civils & Drainage, Heavyside, Insulation & Dry Lining, Lightside, KBB, Plumbing & Heating, and Roofing. Since 1996, they have been helping clients to fill various vacancies at all levels, such as Area Sales Manager, Marketing Director, and Contract Sales.

22 St Thomas's Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 1HR