Construction Recruitment Agencies in Darlington

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Darlington in the Construction industry.
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Velocity Specialists in Recruitment

Velocity Specialists in Recruitment is an agency that provides staffing solutions to clients in the Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Logistics and Engineering industries. The agency has offices in Newcastle, Sunderland and Darlington and offers its services across the North East.

33 Woodland Road, Darlington, County Durham, DL3 7BJ

Armstrong Works, Scotswood Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE15 6UX

Recruiting for most of the Construction sector, Berry Recruitment searches for the best staff throughout the UK for roles including Site Managers, Plumbers and Architectural Technicians. Pre-screening all of our candidates allows us to find personnel that would be suited to your requirements and your company's ethos. Our database is UK wide and constantly expanding with bespoke professionals who have a desire to improve your business.

  • Covers: UK wide
  • Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary
  • Salaries from £15k - £100k+

12 Post House Wynd, Darlington, County Durham, DL3 7LU

Birmingham, Exeter, King's Lynn, Northampton, Oxford, Southampton, St Albans, Stafford, Truro, West Wickham