Construction Recruitment Agencies in Folkestone

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Folkestone in the Construction industry.
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Site Labour Supplies

Site Labour Supplies delivers permanent and contract recruitment solutions to the Trades & Labour and Waste & Recycling industries. They also offer specialist consultative services to the Manufacturing, Sales & Marketing, Food & Drink, Operational Support sectors, and more. They are a Silver Member of Constructionline and FIRP qualified which requires at least ten years of industry experience.

147 Sandgate Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 2DA

SLS Permanent Recruitment Limited

The consultants at SLS Permanent Recruitment provide staffing services for multiple markets, including Manufacturing, Engineering, Sales, Food & Drink, and Executive. They also offer additional services, such as salary benchmarking, onboarding, and headhunting. They are Fellow Institute Recruitment Professionals (FIRP) qualified.

147 Sandgate Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 2DA