Construction Recruitment Agencies in Hove

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Hove in the Construction industry.
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Intersect Global Ltd

Intersect Global Ltd is a Construction specialist recruitment organisation that specialises in the sectors of Civil Engineering, Telecoms, Building, and Residential in the UK. They recruit for various roles such as Assistant Buyer, Architectural Designer, ICA Engineer, Senior Quantity Surveyor, Customer Experience Manager, Programme Manager, and more. The company is a member of the REC.

PLATF9RM Hove Town Hall, Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2AF

Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street, Islington, London, N1 0QH

The Shore Group

Founded in 2008, The Shore Group is a recruitment agency that offers complete staffing solutions to several industry sectors including Construction, Retail, Telecoms, Logistics, Rail and Aviation, Mechanical & Electrical, Security Clearance, and more. The agency recruits professionals on a temporary or permanent basis and some of the roles they fill include Telehandler Operator, Ceiling Fixer, Carpenter, and Retail Cleaner.

First Floor, Heversham House, 18-22 Boundary Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 4EF

30 Crown Place, City of London, London, EC2A 4EB
Unit 5, Wilford & Nottingham South Industrial Estate, Nottingham, Nottingham, NG11 7EP
Peter House\r\nOxford Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M1 5AN