Construction Recruitment Agencies in Wigan

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Wigan in the Construction industry.
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Established in 2015, LRL is a recruitment company based in Wigan that provides contract and permanent staffing solutions to several sectors including Aerospace, Construction, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. Some roles they fill include Labourer, Administrator, FLT Operator, Plumber, Quantity Surveyor, Electrician, and Site Supervisor.

Linkit Place Greenbank Estate Atherton Road, Wigan, Lancashire, WN2 4SN

Careermakers Recruitment

Careermakers Recruitment caters to the Industrial, Construction, Driving, Engineering and Commercial industries. They started their operations in 2007 and provide temporary, permanent and contract roles through their head office in Manchester and branches in Wigan and Wakefield.

54 Oldham Street, Manchester, Lancashire, M4 1LE

Atlas House, Caxton Close, Wigan, Lancashire, WN3 6XU