Electronics Recruitment Agencies in Glasgow

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Glasgow in the Electronics industry.
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A1 Jobs

A1 Jobs cover a wide range of industries including Accounting & Finance, Administration, Construction, Customer Service, Engineering, IT, Manufacturing, and so much more. They recruit for roles such as Traffic Management Operative, HIAB Driver, Warehouse Assistant, Customer Service Advisor, Plumber, and Recruitment Consultant, whether for part-time, permanent, temporary, or contract vacancies. They have offices in Glasgow, London, and Birmingham.

First Floor 94 Hope Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G2 6PH
Plus 1 additional office location

Connect Appointments

In the engineering and sale of electronic devices, you need to know your field well. Understanding a subject on this level takes more than just experience or qualifications - it takes passion and the resultant ability to enjoy one's work. At Connect Appointments, we have an eye for passion - because it's what we look for in every candidate we source our clients. If you'd like to find people who are passionate about their work, then talk to us.

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Covers: Scotland & North East England | Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary | Salaries £15k - £100k+

198 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 4HG
Plus 7 additional office locations

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