Engineering Recruitment Agencies in Inverness

3 Recruitment Agencies found in Inverness in the Engineering industry.
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Corrie Recruitment

Corrie Recruitment aids clients from Clerical, Civil Engineering and Building sectors acquire personnel for temporary, contract and permanent roles. They deliver their recruitment services through their headquarters in Inverness and branches in Highlands and Islands, Moray, Aberdeen, Dundee, Tayside and Perth. Corrie Recruitment is a proud member of the REC.

24 Carsegate Road, Inverness, Inverness-Shire, IV3 8EX

Be Personnel LTD

Be Personnel Ltd is a registered member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation that covers various industries across Scotland. For over 16 years, they have been catering to clients in the Commercial, Driving, Engineering & Technical, Food Processing, and Industrial sectors. The firm supplies personnel to various permanent, temporary, and contract vacancies. Be Personnel Ltd also delivers candidates for senior management level roles.

13 Henderson Road, Inverness, Inverness-Shire, IV1 1SN

Orion Group

Orion Group covers Life Sciences, Renewables, Oil and Gas, Construction, Mining, Marine, IT, Finance, Nuclear, and Utilities. Launched in Scotland in 1987, the agency has offices throughout Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, Australia, the Americas and the Middle East. They have won the Five Star Occupational Health and Safety Awards/Audit 2019 of the British Safety Council and the KellyOCG Supplier Excellence Award.

Castle Heather, Inverness, Inverness-Shire, IV2 6AA

Thomson House, Pitreavie Court, Pitreavie Business Park, Inverkeithing, Fife, KY11 8UU
249 North, Lynnfield House, Church Street, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 4DZ
93 Newington Causeway, Bermondsey, London, SE1 6BN
21 Albert Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, AB25 1XX