Health Care Recruitment Agencies in Bromley

3 Recruitment Agencies found in Bromley in the Health Care industry.
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RIG Locums

With over ten years of experience, RIG Locums is a provider of locum doctors to NHS Hospitals across the UK. They provide Doctors of several specialities, such as Anaesthetics, Obs & Gynae, Paediatrics, Primary Care, Psychiatry, Surgery, Radiology, and more. They also recruit Registered Nurses. The agency is located in Bromley.

Northside House, 69 Tweedy Road, Bromley, Kent, BR1 3WA

Care Workers UK

Care Workers UK is a specialist provider of Nurses, Mental Health Specialists, Healthcare Assistants and Support Workers to care agencies and hospitals across the UK. Situated in Bromley, Greater London, they also supply Healthcare professionals on a permanent, temporary or contract basis to learning disabilities, mental health and specialist dementia environments.

South Tower, 26 Elmfield Road, Bromley, Kent, BR1 1LR

Cpl UK - Healthcare

Cpl UK - Healthcare, a division of Cpl UK, bridges candidates and clients in the Healthcare sector. Working across the UK and overseas, they also cover Locum Doctors, Mental Health & Nursing, Pharmacy, Radiography, and Therapy functions. They have been supporting hires for contract, permanent, and temporary jobs for over 17 years.

69 Tweedy Road, Bromley, Kent, BR1 3WA