Industrial Recruitment Agencies in Camden Town

1 Recruitment Agencies found in Camden Town in the Industrial industry.
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Providing warehouse staff for management and high volume requirements, we work to the needs of our clients ranging from shift work to weekend coverage. Berry Recruitment provides staffing solutions for a range of public and private sector clients, supplying pre-assessed personnel in roles such as Porters, Assemblers, Refuse Workers and Loaders. Our reputation is built on the quality of service we provide from our offices based throughout the UK.

  • Covers: UK wide
  • Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary
  • Salaries from £15k - £100k+

Argyle House, 29-31 Euston Road, London, London, NW1 2SD

Birmingham, Darlington, Exeter, Gosport, Harlow, King's Lynn, London, Maidstone, Newport, Northampton, Oxford, Romford, Southampton, St Albans, Stafford, Sutton, Truro, Warrington, West Wickham