Industrial Recruitment Agencies in Watford

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Watford in the Industrial industry.
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GotPeople Recruitment

GotPeople Recruitment is a Watford-based agency that delivers first-class recruitment services to clients and candidates across Herts, Bedfordshire, Bucks, and London. They specialise in several sectors namely Driving, Industrial, Catering, and Commercial. The agency recruits for roles like Loading Bay Operative, Refuse Driver, Picker & Packer, Forklift Driver and Chef. The company holds a GLAA license.

Suites 2+4 Kings Court, 153 High Street, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD17 2ER

Office Angels

Office Angels has been providing Office personnel for a broad range of temporary and permanent roles, including Administrators, Executive Assistants, Office Managers, PAs, and Secretaries, since its establishment in 1986. The talent firm caters to a diverse client group in various sectors, such as Accountancy & Finance, Engineering, IT, Legal, Marketing, Sales & Retail. With teams based across 60 locations, they operate nationwide.

Ground Floor, 1 Blackmoor Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 8GA

Basingstoke, Birmingham, Bracknell, Brentwood, Brighton, Bromley, Cambridge, City of London, Dartford, Edinburgh, Exeter, Harrow, Hull, Leeds, Livingston, Manchester, Northampton, Staines, Taunton, Tunbridge Wells, Wimbledon