IT Recruitment Agencies in Huddersfield

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Huddersfield in the IT industry.
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Broadbent Consulting Ltd

Broadbent Consulting Ltd is a specialist recruitment business that provides IT and Quantitative professionals to the Financial Services industry in the UK and worldwide. They find and place mid-level to senior tech and analyst professionals in various companies, such as Data Scientists, Analyst Programmers, Project Managers, Developers, Business Analysts, Quantitative Developers, and Application Support.

77 Station Rd, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD8 8DS


Stafflex is a Huddersfield-based agency that has been recruiting personnel across the West Yorkshire region since 2000. They particularly specialise in the Education, Office, Industrial, and Engineering fields. They have won multiple awards and gained numerous accreditations - they are a Corporate Member of the REC, Investors in People accredited, a Crown Commercial Service Supplier, and a member of the Association of Labour Providers.

International House Chapel Hill, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 3EE