IT Recruitment Agencies in Luton

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Luton in the IT industry.
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Redline Group

Since 1981, Redline has offered an extensive area of recruitment expertise across numerous sectors. Located in Butterfield, they have a team of over 65 expert consultants offering permanent, contract, interim, and executive search solutions. They are winners of the 10th Annual IRP Awards.

230 The Village, Butterfield, Great Marlings, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU2 8DL

Impellam Group

With teams across 76 locations, such as the UK, Europe, America, and Asia, Impellam Group supplies staffing services to a diverse client group. The firm has a breadth of experience in delivering professionals for a wide variety of roles at all levels. They primarily work for the IT and Technology sectors. Impellam Group has a network of agencies, including Bartech staffing, Blue Arrow, Carbon60, Comensura, Guidant Global, Lorien, SRG, and Tate.

750 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU

Level 19, 100 Bishopsgate, City of London, London, EC2N 4AG