Sales Recruitment Agencies in Blackburn

3 Recruitment Agencies found in Blackburn in the Sales industry.
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Cowell Recruitment

Cowell Recruitment aids organisations in both the public and private sectors in their needs for permanent staff. Disciplines they handle include Paraplanning, Underwriting, High Net Worth & Private Wealth, Claims Management, Financial Services, Compliance, Mortgage and Business Development. They work throughout the UK, administering a full 360-degree service from candidate attraction to interview support up to job offer acceptance assistance.

84 King William Street, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 7DT

Cummins Mellor

Cummins Mellor is a Blackburn-based multi-sector recruitment agency in Accountancy & Finance, Commercial & Office, Education, Hospitality & Catering, Operations & Management, Sales & Marketing and Industrial & Warehouse. They have been accommodating permanent, temporary and executive roles nationwide since 1990. They are members of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and have also received a Gold accreditation from Investors in People.

One Cathedral Square Cathedral Quarter, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 1FB

Multitask Recruitment Solutions

Multitask Recruitment Solutions deals with a broad spectrum of industries, ranging from Construction to Commercial. The agency provides permanent and temporary staffing solutions to small, medium and large-scale clientele throughout the UK.

Unit 10 Eanam Wharf, Business Development Centre, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 5BL