Sales Recruitment Agencies in Holborn

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Holborn in the Sales industry.
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ABL Recruitment is a London-based languages recruitment agency specialising in sourcing multilingual and English-only staff throughout the UK and internationally for sales and SaaS roles.

  • Covers: UK and International
  • Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary
  • Salaries from £17k - £100k+

Kingsway House, 3rd Floor North, 103 Kingsway, London, Greater London, WC2B 6QX


Established in 2018, Zeren has offices in San Francisco, Houston, New York, London, Frankfurt, and Berlin. They specialise in three functional areas: Commercial, Operations, and Technology, covering Sales, Marketing, Engineering, Product, HR & Talent, and Finance. Some roles they fill are Head of Sales, Customer Success Executives, Lead UX, and Sales Director.

41-44 Great Queen Street, Holborn, London, WC2B 5AD