Sales Recruitment Agencies in Watford

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Watford in the Sales industry.
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Great People Recruitment

Great People Recruitment is a Watford-based specialist agency for a broad spectrum of sectors including Legal, Secretarial, Accounting, Finance, Administration, HR, Training, Call Centre, Customer Service, Sales and Marketing.

80 St Albans Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD17 1DL

Office Angels

Office Angels has been providing Office personnel for a broad range of temporary and permanent roles, including Administrators, Executive Assistants, Office Managers, PAs, and Secretaries, since its establishment in 1986. The talent firm caters to a diverse client group in various sectors, such as Accountancy & Finance, Engineering, IT, Legal, Marketing, Sales & Retail. With teams based across 60 locations, they operate nationwide.

Ground Floor, 1 Blackmoor Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 8GA

Basingstoke, Birmingham, Bracknell, Brentwood, Brighton, Bromley, Cambridge, City of London, Dartford, Edinburgh, Exeter, Harrow, Hull, Leeds, Livingston, Manchester, Northampton, Staines, Taunton, Tunbridge Wells, Wimbledon