Security Recruitment Agencies in Romford

2 Recruitment Agencies found in Romford in the Security industry.
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Award Winning Independent, Proven & Successful Employment Agency supplying Security Operatives across the UK since 2006, on a Contract, Permanent, Temporary & AD Hoc Basis. We are also ranked and rated in the Top Three Agencies in London, in addition to other Industry awards obtained. Sectors covered = High end retail, Festivals, Clubs, Pubs, Stadium and Sporting Events, CCTV, Doors, Restaurants. We offer a bespoke recruitment solution

  • Covers: Nationwide
  • Contract, Part Time, Permanent, Temporary
  • Salaries from £15k - £100k

Number 10, Atlanta Boulevard, Romford, Essex, RM1 1TB

Complete Security Recruitment

Complete Security Recruitment is fully committed to the Electronic Fire and Security sectors. They have 16,000 registered candidates and 3,500 contractors nationwide. They have been delivering permanent and contract staffing solutions to clients of all sizes since 2005 and are currently located in Hornchurch, Essex. Among the roles they advertise are Security Systems Service Engineer and Installation Fire Alarm Engineer.

Unit 3 Jash House 27-29 North Street, Romford, Essex, RM2 6AT