Consulting Recruitment Agencies in Surrey

4 Recruitment Agencies found in Surrey in the Consulting industry.
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Bid Solutions

Bid Solutions is an award-winning recruitment organisation that also offers consulting and training services for Bid and Proposal professionals. They recruit for a variety of job roles such as Bid Manager, Bi-lingual Bid Coordinator, Mid Operations Manager, Bid & Marketing Coordinator, Proposal Writer, and Pitch Manager. The company was established in 2002 and is headquartered in London.

Parkshot House 5 Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 2PR

Lawson Ware

Lawson Ware is a specialist provider of staffing solutions in the Digital, Technology, FinTech, Online Retail, Financial Services, and Insurance sectors in the UK and internationally. They do not charge an upfront retainer fee and they present three qualified individuals within 25 working days for clients. Lawson Ware is based in Cobham and was founded by Amanda and David Lamble.

Coveham House, Downside Bridge Road, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 3EP

Cranleigh Health & Safety Recruitment

Cranleigh Health & Safety Recruitment provides staffing solutions in several industry sectors including Construction, Consultancy, Transport, Logistics, Retail, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Leisure, and more. Some roles they hire for are HSE Advisor, SHEQ Manager, and Health and Safety Advisor. The company is based in Guildford.

Riverway Estate Old Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 1LZ

Oracle Contractors

Oracle Contractors is a part of the Ellis Recruitment Group, and works exclusively for a diverse client group in the IT industry. Operating nationwide and overseas, the agency has been providing staffing solutions for over 22 years. They typically find staff for contract appointments at all levels, including Consultants, OTBI Reports Developers, and Project Managers. Oracle Contractors was awarded the Best Contractor Care of Investing in Talent Awards 2019.

Global Headquarters Woking One, Albion House High Street, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6BG
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